If you have a question, your answer probably lies right here in the FAQ.

  • If the content is sold more the once, isn’t it classified as ‘Duplicate Content’?

This is a question a lot of people have since Google talks about ‘Duplicate Content’ a lot.  Unfortunately the way it’s presented can be confusing and almost scary unless you really know what they’re saying.  No one knows Google like Google.  You’ll actually find that this ‘Duplicate Content Penalty’ is only towards those who are looking to spam their OWN site with the same information over and over again.

For example; if I took an article and made page after page after page with the SAME article posted on it, this would violate Google’s Duplicate Content rule.  As you can see, the rule only applies to content within the SAME domain site.  Ultimately, you have no risk in buying a PLR article pack.

Here’s a Tip for you: Most internet marketers will purchase PLR packages and either add more content or rewrite part of the article.  Why?  Easy, because it actually increases your traffic.  Not only are you presenting a unique article on your site, but with your own touch that no one else can deliver but you.  This adds to the uniqueness of your article, and with the keyword-researched list that comes with each package, you can’t lose!

  • What is the payment processor Alertpay?

Alertpay is a very common payment processor becoming ultimately the replacement for Paypal after all their most recent customer complaints.  It works almost exactly the same as Paypal, the only true difference is the name.  Alertpay is free to sign up an account, it actually takes less time to verify your account and you don’t need it to be verified right away to process payments.  It’s actually been found to be a safer method of payment as they do protect both buyer and seller.  Paypal promises a “100% Buyer Protection” but if you read the fine print, it’s only on ‘tangible’ items, meaning physical items shipped through the mail.  If something were to fall through, the seller has no way of protecting themself and the same goes with the buyer.  If they weren’t to receive their item, Paypal doesn’t have to return the money unless they prove otherwise.

Alertpay reviews every payment made both in and out and makes sure that each are legit before allowing them to fully process.  As a bonus, instead of paying fees to get your money from the account like Paypal does, they offer the option to have a check sent out directly to your address FREE of charge.

To sign up for a Free and Safe Alertpay Account, click here!

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